
Feel free to leave us a message!

Judith Ward



I've just been to see you in Les Ulis, France. Wonderful, marvellous, fantastic, and so nice that you all came to sign autographs and let people speak to you after your performance. We really thought that was lovely. Thank you all !

Raul Vilchis


Mexico City, Mexico

Quisiera pedirles que visiten México o que sean un poco más descriptivos en cuanto a su gira por US (seguramente en Canada harán algo). Me encantaría poder verlos en vivo y llevar a mi familia para aprecíar su delicado arte. Les envío un saludo y una felicitación. :)




I just read about the Awards you got, and I can just repeat myself by saying: NO ONE WHO EVER SAW YOU LIVE CAN SAY YOU'RE NOT THE BEST WITHOUT LYING!

Monica Willing



Es war heute im Tipi grandios, Ihr seid SPITZE!!!!!!!!!! Weiter so und hoffentlich bis bald wieder in Berlin!

Thomas Poulisse


Huron, South Dakota, USA

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let me know when your USA tour starts in the USA. I love your youtube videos and would consider it an honor to see your group in concert.



Soisy sous Montmorency (France)

I see you in Provins. The show is wonderful, you are wonderful. The DVD signed by us is in my library See you later... Big kiss7

Maureen et Olivia



We are 6 and 9 years old. We saw you in Meaux (France). It was a wonderful show. Our parents bought the DVD and we haven't stopped watching it for the whole week-end !!! Come back soon in Meaux please...

Norbert Sperl



Danke für Euren fantastischen Auftritt in Weinstadt bei unserem Benefizkonzert zu Gunsten körperlich, geistig oder sozial benachteiligter Kinder und Jugendlicher. Herzliche Grüße Norbert Sperl Lionsclub Remstal

Hi GUYS ALL THE BEST FROM Missisauga and From Promotion Group


Looking forward to see you again i Mississauga

Olivia Patterson


You gentlemen are the greatest! You're classy and talented. I hope you get to come to Jacksonville, Florida sometime soon.

Please, what is the list of songs in ''Tootsy Woodsy?'' They are all so familiar to me, but the only one I recognize is the last one, Can Can from Orpheus in the Underworld.

Olivia Patterson