
Feel free to leave us a message!

mary stella


We saw your show at the Cerritos Center and was thrilled. I knew it was going to be good from You Tube, but even that did not display how really good the show was. I did not want it to end. Thank you for being the showmen you all are.



Absolutely one of the most entertaining performances I have ever seen! The great classical compositions delightfully intertwined with well-loved rock, pop, folk,and soul, presented with just the right amount of tasteful, comedic playfulness that makes you hope it never ends. I feel truly blessed to have been able to witness this quartet's musical talents and comedic genius. Please keep Louisiana on your tour schedule.

Li Zhou


Hey guys. I have never seen such a great show with full of excellent creativity and proficient skills! Love your talented show sooooo much! I have already bought two of your DVDs in Amazon. While I noticed that you guys never come to perform in China. I am gonna definitely be there if you guys can make it in China. I guarantee that you will get a lot of fun and fans here. All The Best!



Is there any chance of you touring in Canada, especially Toronto?

Let us know, we would love to see your show.



Dzieki Wielkie Panowie za koncert (i wspólne zdjęcie) na Teneryfie w Auditorium. Nigdy wczesniej w Polsce nie miałem okazji podziwiać WAS na żywo. Proszę o powtorkę (do pozdrowień dołącza sie cała grupa JUŻ FANOW z SAN JUAN DE LA RAMBLA). Gracias



Hey, will you post dates to your concerts in Poland this year? I plan to travel through Poland and was wondering will I catch you somewhere.

Keep up the good job!



You are a new discovery for me, one which I will keep. You made me laugh out loud -- in public -- at something nobody else could hear. I am now one of your bigest fans.



Fantastic ! The world needs more happiness and you give this with beautiful musik.
Bravo! Kind Regards, Sally

Jerry Miller


From Seattle, WA, USA. You Guys are great, do you come to the United States at all, you should if you don't, Jerry :-)
Have a look at the tour list



You guys are AMAZING!!! I wish you could come to Singapore more often to perform... Either that, or I immigrate to Europe when I'm older! I invited my friend to watch your concert and succeeded in getting her hooked on your music too!!! Pls come back to Singapore as soon as possible! Youtube videos aren't the same as watching you live!