Feel free to leave us a message!
Julio Martinez
Hi, I'm not good at English ... joy come to chihuahua mexico, this is home and happy to be in the Teatro de los Heroes
Anderson Vieira
Sorry my english bad, because I can not speak English law.
I have known you for an email I received from a friend, I found an excellent art of you! The spectacle you do is phenomenal!
I am Brazilian and I would have the privilege to attend a one day show you. Please make a tour here in Brazil, so we can have the privileges that many countries have had to watch you.
Congratulations to you all!
Keep up this unique art!
Barbara Dafler
Please come to Cincinnati, Ohio in the USA. You will be loved!
Douglas Cline
I was recently introduced to your unique style of performance. What can I say? AMAZING!!!
Thank you for a breathe of fresh air in the sometimes starch-laden world of classical performance. Wonderful, superb, and absolutely out-of-this-world!
Please say you will come to Iowa, in the United States. Your appearance would be well-received.
Again, thank you and safe travels.
- Doug
Dziękuję bardzo za wspaniały koncert w Espinho w Portugalii. Byliście niesamowici i rewelacyjni!
Mam nadzieję że w przyszłości zawitacie znów do Portugalii w okolice Porto.
группa MozART!
Огромl вам спасиk что вы выстуl Латвиl Bardzo-bardzo-bardzo dziekuje! Пожалm не забывk о вашей соседl - Балтиl Ведь до вашегl выстуl о вас здесь никто не знал, а теперn узналl и очень полюбl Пожалm приезk ещё! Теперn и здесь вас любят и ЖДУТ!
P.S. - я так жалею, что не принеl вам тогда цветы. Но обещаn что в седуюm раз обязаm подарn их вам!
P.S.S. - I hope, you can translate my message. My english realy is not very well
P.S.S.S. - простl что письмl шло так долго. Но лучше позднl чем никогk правдk
I very hope that I will see you soon here! THANK YOU FOR ALL! Lena.
Mário Sousa
I'm Mario from Espinho, Portugal where you will give a concert and I'm very anxious to see you. You play very well and your music is very good. I play bass trombone but I know how to distinguish very good violin, viola and cello players from those that don't play well
I'll see you in Espinho
Mário Sousa
Hi guys,
my name is Simon, I'm 21 years old and I also play the violin - now in the 16th year. I just wanted to leave a short comment saying that I really love what you are doing!!It was so much fun watching your Best of DVD, thanks a lot!!
Best regards from Germany,
John Szabo
I just discovered you guys on You Tube. You are brilliant!!
Please please come to Australia soon.
Today concert in Tallinn was AWESOME!!!!!!! Thanks a lot!